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bridge hunting and canyoneering

For over 20 years I have been an enthousiastic canyoneer. This fascinating sport (called canyoning in Europe) has revealed to me the impressive beauty of nature on one of the last frontiers of adventuring: rappeling in fresh waterfalls, jumping in deep emerald potholes, slipping on natural toboggans, swimming in deep slots, squeezing around chokestones. It provides a fun perspective but you should be prepared for challenges. Since the beginning of the nineties I have covered a wide range of about 174 canyons in the French Alps, Spanish Pyrenees mountains and the Colorado Plateau in the U.S.. In 1994, I encountered Alexander Oulevey, a swiss student who also fell in love with this sport. Now he's my best "canyon companion". Alex is also the creator of this website. Sometimes in the watercourse of these canyons we enjoyed natural bridges of stone or potholes bridges in magnificient natural surroundings. 

Homage to my Darling Mother

Canyoneering scenes

Slot canyon scenes

Cascading Scenes

Jumping Scenes

Swimming Scenes

Slide Down Scenes

Squeezing Scenes

Wading scenes

Down climbing scenes

Canyon's Natural Bridges

Pierced Pothole

 notable places
 Homage to my Darling Mother
 Canyoneering scenes
 Slot canyon scenes
 Cascading Scenes
 Jumping Scenes
 Swimming Scenes
 Slide Down Scenes
 Squeezing Scenes
 Wading scenes
 Down climbing scenes
 Canyon's Natural Bridges
 Pierced Pothole
 about me
 what's new
 outstanding persons

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